Faciliteringens dramaturgi i affektive rum


  • Ida Krøgholt Aarhus universitet, Danmark
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/jased.v5.3176


Denne artikel undersøger facilitering som dramaturgisk kommunikation med fokus på de affektive og kropslige dele af kommunikationen. Facilitering åbner som begreb for en spændvidde af teknikker og tilgange til processer indenfor organisationsledelse, pædagogik og kunstprocesser. I artiklen er begrebet specifikt rettet mod teaterpædagogik men har også generel didaktisk relevans. Gennem analyse af et konkret eksempel på en facilitators ledelse af en kropslig samarbejdsøvelse med en gruppe unge, spørger jeg, hvordan affektteori kan bidrage til at observere og analysere de fintfølende dele af faciliteringen, der ellers falder udenfor den sproglige registrering. Der introduceres to teoretiske perspektiver – vitalistisk affektteori samt kognitions- og spejlteori – gennem hvilke de affektive aspekter belyses som kollektive intensiteter og kropslige spejlinger. I forlængelse heraf udskilles tre greb til faciliteringens dramaturgi – det side-coachende, det spejlende og det kinæstetisk-empatiske – der fremhæver konkrete former for kommunikation med fokus på det affektive i det undersøgte felt for teaterpædagogisk facilitering.

English abstract

The dramaturgy of facilitation in affective spaces

This article examines facilitation as dramaturgical communication with a special interest in the affective and bodily parts of the communication. Facilitation opens as a concept for a range of techniques and approaches to processes within organizational management, pedagogy and artistic processes, but in this article the concept is specifically aimed at theatre pedagogy and with focus on the facilitation of the process. Through analysis of a concrete example of a facilitator’s conduction of a bodily collaborative exercise with a group of young people, I ask how affect theory can help to observe and analyze the sensitive parts of the facilitation that otherwise fall outside the linguistic registration. Two theoretical perspectives are introduced – vitalist affect theory as well as cognitive- and mirror theory – through which the affective aspects are illuminated as collective intensities and bodily reflections. In continuation of this, I suggest three approaches to the dramaturgy of facilitation – the side-coaching, the mirroring and the kinesthetic-empathic – which highlight concrete forms of affective practice in the researched field of theatre pedagogical facilitation.

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How to Cite

Krøgholt, I. (2021). Faciliteringens dramaturgi i affektive rum. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.23865/jased.v5.3176


affektteori, teaterpædagogik, facilitering, kroppen i undervisningen