Reviewer Guidelines

The review process at Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education is ‘double blind’. The editors, the editorial board and reviewers alone determine whether submissions are to be published, independent of the publisher, Cappelen Damm Forskning.

The editors will review the manuscript and evaluate whether it fits into the profile of the journal and meets basic standards of quality.

If the manuscript passes this point, the next step is peer review by two independent peers who possess a relevant doctoral degree or equivalent and competence with respect to the actual topic(s). As a rule, one of the peers will be from the same country as the author, or will be familiar with the professional tradition in the author’s country. Members of the editorial team cannot also be peer reviewers.

The review is based on reciprocal anonymity. In addition to a general evaluation of the scientific level of the manuscript, the peer will be asked to evaluate:

  • The logical coherence, structure and legibility of the manuscript,
  • The current interest and value of the manuscript,
  • Whether the issues addressed are discussed and analysed in a proper way,
  • Whether the conclusions are supported by sources and data,
  • Whether the use of sources is conscientious and methodically acceptable,
  • Whether the references are satisfactory and in accordance with the editorial instructions.

The peer will also be asked whether he or she recommends publication; publication after improvements; or does not recommend publication.

The editors have the final decision as to whether a manuscript will be published.